On-Camera Video
Hosting and Starring Appearances
I have over 10 years of experience in on-camera hosting, news reporting, and acting. I caught the acting bug after hosting an award-winning humorous weekly news show a-la "Weekend Update" meets Stephen Colbert, and have made numerous appearances in corporate video, TV shows, short and feature films, and national commercials.
How to Write a Life-Changing Intro
I was tasked with creating a tutorial video for teenagers on how to write a great introduction.
Script Reader Pro
How to Make Your Scripts Laugh-Out-Loud Funny
I hosted an episode of a YouTube how-to series scriptreaderpro.com.
Amazon Pilot TV Show
Public Displays of Insanity
As the lead character, Tom, art imitated life as I played an up-and-coming actor struggling to make it outside the Hollywood lifestyle. I also edited several episodes.
Pilot Show Opener
The Human Show
The concept for The Human Show came from our HR department who wanted to create a vehicle for employees to feel connected to our mission in a lighthearted, less-corporate feel.